
“A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.”
– Plutarch, Greek philosopher

Student Testimonials

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Read reviews from former students and professionals who have graduated from our college.

William Kingori

William Mbuthia Kingori

I’m an I.T. Consultant, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, mentor, gifted trainer, author, and director of Divine Destiny International which is a motivational body that has the passion to touch and impact humanity. 

I started writing while in high school and this went on until I was selected as the head of the school magazine group. While in form four I wrote a manuscript “My Life in High School” which was about my journey from form one. I never took writing seriously until I joined NVSL which was a big turning point.

One day I found this book called “Becoming A Vessel of Honor”  and after going through it, I discovered I am a special vessel that needs to be moulded. I felt a great connection and decided to look for the author, Coach Boniface. I sent him an email and here I am sitting under his mentorship from the 2nd of February, 2021. The type of person I am today is a result of the great mentorship I have received from the coaches, as well as working closely with the rest of the students and class leaders.

The journey of publishing my book, “Discover Your Destiny in Your Identity” started under New Vision Publishers with our Coach Boniface who treated my work just like his own. 

Jeremiah 29:11 “for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


Beatrice Gitonga

Before the pandemic happened I used to have a business that didn’t survive the tough Covid-19 attack. Being a single mother, providing for my family became almost impossible but God’s grace was sufficient. In the process of finding ways to fund my bills, I conceived a business idea which I shared with Coach Boniface. He advised me to write down a business proposal which helped me acquire a loan of Ksh 30,000. 

God truly works in mysterious ways, the day I received the funds I got a job invitation. Being a wise woman, I took the job and with the funds, started a part-time business.

From the Ksh 30,000; I used Ksh 25,000 to start an m-pesa business which I have partnered with a friend, and Ksh 5,000 went to the peanut and honey business. These two businesses are bringing good income which is helping me expand the business, and the salary helps me meet my expenses. This has helped me not only fund my nuclear family’s needs but also the extended family’s needs.

Joining NVSL back in 2019 was not a bad idea. It helped me connect with new people and great coaches who became my source of strength during tough seasons, and mentors who don’t live by your side until they see notable change. If you have considered joining, please do it now!

Mercy Faith

Mercy Faith

I’m an entrepreneur, a land surveyor by profession, and a student at the New Vision School of Leadership (NVSL). I joined NVSL in January 2021 at a time when I needed answers to many questions concerning my life. NVSL has helped me tap the great potential that lies within. It has taught me to ask questions since there is no human being that is all knowledgeable and unless one asks, you may ignorantly miss an opportunity.

I started my business KAHURIA GAS POINT in April of 202l, a time when Covid-19 had made many people lose their jobs. This triggered me to think outside the box, i.e., it is good to be employed but in peradventure, if the unfortunate happens, where would I fall? So as a good student, I started asking questions and I consulted several people including our very own Coach Boniface who was very instrumental in brainstorming and helping me realize that one should not start just any business in the name of making money, but instead one should calculate the risk and more so, have passion.

NVSL has equipped me with the knowledge that has helped in business growth. For instance, it has taught me to have integrity in business which means that you are accountable to your customers, investors, and to yourself. This and much more has helped me retain 90% of customers and have new customers come in each month.

I aspire to own several more businesses which will help me be an employer to many.

Samuel Muthee

Samuel Muthee

Having come from a humble background, I wasn’t lucky enough to continue with my education after high school. I did any casual job available though the pay was very poor. All this time I had mastered the art of saving. With the little I had accumulated I started hawking paraffin but this didn’t last long. After this business collapsed, I stayed home for a few years where I grew kale and other horticulture. By God’s grace, I was able to save a few thousand which helped me purchase a car washing machine. I opened the business and after a few months, it picked up well, however expansion never materialized since the machine was stolen. This gave me a strong urge to give up and I made up my mind to never attempt running a business again. But I read about the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) proprietor Mr. Colonel Harland Sanders, a man who had previously failed in business but decided NEVER to Give Up. This motivated me to become a middleman connecting firewood merchants with clients.

It was on the 10th of August 2019 when I first joined NVSL. I got a small loan which I added to the little amount I had saved and managed to open Iconium Agency, a business dealing with Bank transactions and Mpesa in conjunction with selling water retail and wholesale. 

NVSL has equipped me with knowledge on how to write and actualize my vision of becoming a businessman. With this and many more teachings, I can dream again.

Jane Kioi

Jane Kioi

The year 2020 in the month of March is a year that remains embedded in my memory. It was during this period that as a country, Kenya was experiencing a lockdown. Covid-19 had hit unexpectedly and here we were, confined in the house 24/7, life had never been so meaningless. There’s nothing as disastrous as not having a backup plan.

This was my life until I learned about the New Vision School of Leadership [NVSL] Mentorship program, through a friend who invited me to their July Annual Conference. I joined the program and my life took an 180-degree different turn. Hope was rekindled in me. I had never done an online course before and this was a life-changing one. 

Coach Boniface and Coach Dorcas are great sources of inspiration and mentorship that I look up to. The values they uphold and transfer to their students are unmatched. Through their continuous mentorship, my life has come from the unknown to the known. They have groomed me to serve as an admin which has exposed me to many different tasks that have improved my social skills, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills amongst many others thus becoming a better version of myself both in the program and also in my workplace.

It has been an exciting journey and I believe that this program will reach thousands of youths in Africa and globally, who are determined to make a difference in the lives of others.

Karen Mwende Chomba

Karen Mwende Chomba

I am a jolly 24-year old Kenyan lady, a trained teacher of English and literature, a student of counselling psychology, a mental health champion in training, a sign language enthusiast, and most importantly, a born-again Christian who loves Jesus.

Joining NVSL in 2021 was like a breath of fresh air for me. This program has impacted my life by making me a better person, teaching me different topics that my age mates do not know, and helping me push myself to gain more knowledge by researching more. I realized learning is a continuous process and the world belongs to the learning, not the learned. The program is relationship-oriented; you can strike up conversations with friendly coaches. Through NVSL training, my content in discussions has become broader, deeper, and more meaningful. 

My dream is big and it only gets bigger. I desire to be a teacher with a difference. I may not be everyone’s favorite but would like to impact all that I interact with. As a counselor, a mental health champion, a sign language enthusiast, and a born-again Christian I would like to help people go through the rough patches of life positively by helping them change the way they think or view life, during these troubled times we live in. I believe the leadership skills and applicable knowledge I’m gaining from the NVSL program will go a long way to help me glue together all that I am and aspire to be.

Kennedy Musembi

Kennedy Musembi

I am a born-again Christian, a worshipper, a preacher of the gospel, a motivational speaker, a teacher by profession, and an author. I am passionate about mentoring young generations in discovering their purpose in life to grow as responsible people in society, being leaders of integrity.

I joined the New Vision School of Leadership and mentorship [NVSL] in December 2020 and it has greatly impacted my life. Through this, a lot of young people have benefited from my counsel.

It has also shaped me as a leader with skills and knowledge on how to manage people around me irrespective of their personality, culture, and religion. The leadership skills acquired have also helped me to socialize better with my colleagues and my supervisor.

I aspire to be a professional counselor to not only help single young people but also married people. All this will come to manifest soon!

Michael Munyua

Michael Munyua

A musician by profession, saved and in love with Christ, I am currently teaching music in Nairobi, Kenya. I was lucky to join NVSL in February 2021 and honestly, the program has changed me and the life of people around me. Before then there was so much I did not know yet I assumed I did. The information we take home from the courses works on the whole person, not just the mind.   To mention but a few; 

‘Personalities and work’ 

This is one of the courses taught that made me understand people better, in that different people have different personalities which is why we behave, act, and respond the way we do. Hence we need to deal with people differently. This to me was a huge adjustment.

‘Leadership and Teamwork’

These courses made me a better leader and better team player. I was empowered with skills, knowledge, and understanding to lead in any opportunity that presents itself.


This exact one gave me answers to so many questions I had, particularly about women. I must say my wife will be lucky to have me with my new brain. I desire that everyone understood the whys, dos, and don’ts both in this topic and other courses like ‘mental health.’

I pray that one day I will change people’s lives and mindsets by empowering young leaders as I was, making the world a better place. That is why I encourage you to join this program.

Risper Nkatha

Risper Nkatha

I’m currently a student at NVSL. Being at NVSL is one of the greatest opportunities life has offered me. I joined NVSL through an invite from a close friend way back in 2020.  My journey at NVSL is the highlight of my early twenties which I hold so fondly. NVSL has shaped my life in ways I could not envision and in ways that were unclear to me. I have watched myself grow socially, spiritually, economically and professionally through the guidance and mentorship of NVSL.

NVSL has helped me realize my potential I never thought I had and provided the chance to learn from its team of great coaches.  I have had the pleasure of visualizing goals, working towards them and seeing them come to fruition.  My favourite of all is my entrepreneurial venture. With the little savings I had acquired from the small pastries business I decided to venture into Agri business, and I was able to farm a piece of land and harvest it with profits.  This was way beyond my expectations.

Looking back at the whole experience I feel so lucky that I was under the mentorship of NVSL.  There were moments I felt completely lost, broken and demoralized because of the frustrations and challenges I had encountered.  I learnt how to be persistent, consistent and committed altogether.

NVSL is more than a program; it’s a life changing opportunity for anyone to transform their lives; it’s an opportunity for growth and advancement in all aspects.  It gives you what you need to bring out the best version of yourself.

Grace Maina

Grace Maina

To start with, I would like to express my gratitude toward NVSL for what I would call a turn around in my life and this is how it happened.

I had been a Youth Secretary in a P.C.E.A church in Embakasi (Kenya).  When I relocated to Machakos to join University, I left the position to someone else.

After a few months, my friend Grace in the Youth Ministry called  to check up on me and she shared about NVSL. My zeal to learn found a new direction and I expressed my desire to join the Program. That was 3 months prior Covid – 19.

I joined the classes which were amazing as I could learn daily.   For me, NVSL has been a source of hope and encouragement vis-a-vis the life I was going through then. I  interacted with Coach Boniface on a personal level and after hearing my story, he gave me an idea of writing a book. Even though I had started drafting it, I had never thought of completing it into a book. I got motivated and he facilitated the publishing of the book at New Vision Publishers.

Where I’m studying currently, fellow cohorts admire the way I run my life, putting into practice the skills I learnt from NVSL.

I’m grateful for such a rare privilege, an opportunity I will never regret taking up. I am now a Motivational Speaker with a good foundation of skills from NVSL, an author moulded by NVSL, and a confident lady to face life and help others do so.

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